Friday, July 31, 2009

Sudoku Romanus

Sudoku with Roman Numerals!Link

I just can't keep this link to myself any longer. I never dreamed that Sudoku and Latin could be brought together in one enjoyable activity. And yet, I've always suspected that decoding a tricky bit of Latin and solving a Sudoku puzzle uses the same section of the brain.

This is definitely getting used in the classroom. People who already enjoy it are going to get excited at the prospect of getting to play in school. If you don't know how to play Sudoku, you've probably heard of it, and I think it's worth knowing. It's one of those really good brain exercises that keeps you sharp.

As a way to practice Roman numerals, it may only be useful as a basic introduction. However, even if it's just I-IX, you're still practicing the "rules" of Roman numerals. Putting a numeral before another means subtraction whether it's IV, IX or MCMXCIX.
And I think a basic introduction is very necessary. A friend of mine told me recently that middle school students in his class were unable to read an analog clock. We shouldn't assume we all are coming from the same "common knowledge." I think this Sudoku may be particularly helpful keeping both those learning the numerals for the first time and those already familiar with them simultaneously engaged with the lesson.

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